Deaths related to opioid overdoses is a continued concern for the GOW region. With numbers continuing to increase through 2017, the Genesee-Orleans-Wyoming (GOW) Opioid Task Force is committed more than ever to ending the opioid crisis in our region.
The GOW Opioid Task Force’s mission is to address the growing opioid crisis in the tri-county area. Through active collaboration and engagement across the tri-county region, the Task Force envisions a community free from opioid related deaths and overdoses. There are currently over 350 members from across the tri-county region on the Task Force. Members represent various sectors of the community, including public health, mental health, human services, local government, substance use disorder treatment and recovery agencies, law enforcement, EMS, faith-based groups, health systems and medical practitioners, education, businesses, concerned individuals and families.
The Task Force has numerous Work Groups charged with looking at the opioid crisis for the GOW region and working towards solutions to end it. The Work Groups are: Access to Care, Community Education, Data, Naloxone/Narcan, and the newly formed Family, Loved Ones and Allies and Law Enforcement Work Groups. Each work group meets regularly and are open to anyone interested in participating.